Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, quotations, agreements and deliveries or use of the services of EMDR Platform, the functions of which are made available on www.emdr-platform.com (hereinafter: “Services”), the following general terms and conditions apply. The Services are offered by EMDR Platform located at Middelmolenstraat 7, 3061 LH in Rotterdam and registered with the Chamber of Commerce under registration number 75401339 (hereinafter: “EMDR Platform”).

The Services of EMDR Platform

  1. The Services of the EMDR Platform are intended for EMDR therapists such as psychologists, psychotherapists, remedial educationalists and psychiatrists. You yourself determine whether you meet this qualification and you are responsible for this. EMDR Platform accepts no liability in this, from you or from third parties.
  2. The Services of EMDR Platform offer you the possibility to perform EMDR or regular sessions via an online platform. You decide how you use the Services and for what specific purposes.
  3. In order to use the Services, you must register. After registration has been completed, the agreement between EMDR Platform and you (hereinafter: the Agreement) is concluded.
  4. The platform of EMDR Platform can be qualified as a medical device within the meaning of Regulation (EU) ) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on medical devices. This means that under this regulation, EMDR Platform will, among other things: (1) not use text, names, brands, images and other signs, figurative or otherwise, that could mislead you with regard to the intended purpose, safety and performance of the platform. If you nevertheless experience the provisions of the previous sentence, you can contact EMDR Platform via the contact form on www.emdr-platform.com (2) take your complaints or reports of suspected incidents related to the Services very seriously and maintains a record of any complaints.

Usage rules and account

  1. You are prohibited from using the Services in any way that violates these terms or any applicable laws and regulations.
  2. If EMDR Platform determines that you are in violation of these terms or the law , or receives a complaint about this, EMDR Platform may intervene to end the violation. EMDR Platform may then deny you access to the relevant functions.
  3. The account you have created is personal and may only be used by yourself. You must protect access to the account from unauthorized persons using the username and password. In particular, the password must be kept strictly confidential. EMDR Platform assumes that everything that happens from your account, after login with username and password, is done under your direction and supervision. Only one account may be created per person.
  4. EMDR Platform is at all times entitled to report established criminal offenses and will cooperate with authorized orders.
  5. You are obligated to follow all reasonable directions of EMDR Platform related to the use of the Services.

Security and privacy

  1. EMDR Platform will make every effort to protect the Services against misuse and unauthorized access to your data.
  2. When using the Services, your personal data will be processed. Please see the privacy statement for more information.
  3. The data you enter through the Services remain your property. You grant EMDR Platform a right of use for this data for the duration of the Agreement. You may terminate this right of use by canceling the Agreement and requesting that the data be deleted.

Intellectual property rights

  1. All Intellectual Property Rights to the Services, as well as all information and images on the Website belong to EMDR Platform.
  2. You will be granted by EMDR Platform the non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable use rights with regard to the Services, as well as all information and images on www.emdr-platform.com. The usage rights are valid for the duration of the Agreement.
  3. You are not entitled to make changes to the Services and you are not entitled to a copy of the source files of the Services, except where permitted by law.
  4. EMDR Platform can take (technical) measures to protect the Services. If EMDR Platform has taken such security measures, you are not permitted to circumvent or remove such security.
  5. You are not permitted to remove or modify any designation of Intellectual Property Rights from the Services. . It is also not allowed to remove indications of the confidential nature from the Services.

Availability, modification and support

  1. EMDR Platform strives to keep the Services available as much as possible, but does not guarantee uninterrupted availability.
  2. EMDR Platform has the right to change the Services or to change and maintain a part thereof.
  3. Maintenance and change of the Services by the EMDR Platform may result in the Service being temporarily out of use in whole or in part. EMDR Platform will make every effort to announce these restrictions in a timely manner.
  4. For (technical) support, please contact the EMDR Platform helpdesk via the contact form on www.emdr-platform.com.< /li>
  5. EMDR Platform strives to handle helpdesk requests within a reasonable period of time. The time required to resolve reports may vary.

Fees and invoicing

  1. To use the Services, you are , after a possible trial period, a fee is due. Payment can be made according to the payment instructions on www.emdr-platform.com. EMDR Platform is entitled to invoice electronically.
  2. If a free trial period applies, this will never tacitly transfer into a package for which a fee is due. You will be asked to make a decision about this before the trial period ends. If you decide not to switch to an account for which a fee is due, or do not make a decision, the trial period will automatically expire.
  3. If you opt for a monthly subscription and confirm this with a payment of the monthly fee for the first month, EMDR Platform will process a direct debit order of the same monthly amount every following month on the same day of the month, until you cancel the subscription.
  4. If you opt for an annual subscription and confirm it with a payment of the annual amount for the first year, EMDR Platform will process a direct debit order of the same annual amount every following year on the same day of the year, until you cancel the subscription.
  5. From direct debit order by EMDR Platform to the actual debit of your account may take several days, depending on your bank and/or payment provider.
  6. If you opt for a multi-user package and order the quote provided to you, the amount will be invoiced manually by EMDR Platform on or after the day of activation of the associated user accounts. The multi-user package is automatically renewed at the end of the agreed period, unless you cancel it before the end date of the agreed period. A subsequent invoice will be sent by us on or after the first day of the following period. A payment term of 14 days applies to all invoices, unless the invoice stating a different payment term or another term has been agreed in writing.
  7. EMDR Platform does not apply a notice period. You can cancel a monthly subscription, annual subscription and multi-user package from the first to the last day of the agreed period (month, year or otherwise agreed) and then direct debits for subsequent agreed periods that have not yet been sent will be stopped immediately. That is why EMDR Platform does not provide a pre-notification of the collection, but you can find the corresponding invoice on the day of the collection at www.emdr-platform.com under My account, or in case of a multi-user package you will receive it by e-mail.
  8. After cancellation, you can still use the EMDR Platform until the end of the agreed period. After that, the package will expire automatically. You are not entitled to a refund of the next agreed period if you cancel on or after the first day of that next agreed period.
  9. All prices quoted by EMDR Platform are in euros and exclusive of VAT, unless this has been agreed otherwise in writing.
  10. If the compensation is not received by EMDR Platform on the agreed date, you will receive a reminder. If the compensation has not been received 7 days after the agreed date, your account will be temporarily blocked by EMDR Platform until your compensation has been received. This does not mean that the compensation no longer has to be paid.

Complaints procedure

  1. EMDR Platform takes complaints and reports with regard to the Services extremely serious. In case of questions, comments and complaints, you can contact us by means of the contact form on www.emdr-platform.com.
  2. EMDR Platform will respond to complaints about the Services as soon as possible, but no later than within fourteen (14) respond days after receipt.

Duration of the agreement

  1. Unless otherwise agreed, the Agreement is entered into for an indefinite period.
  2. The Agreement may be terminated by you at any time without notice, subject to the conditions as described under "Fees and invoicing" apply.
  3. EMDR Platform may terminate the Agreement when the term mentioned under payment and invoicing point 5 has expired without the payment being received by EMDR Platform.

Change of general terms and conditions

  1. EMDR Platform has the right to change or supplement these Terms of Use. EMDR Platform will announce the change or addition to you by e-mail at least 14 days before it comes into effect.
  2. If you do not wish to accept the changes or additions, you can object within 14 days of notification, after which EMDR Platform will reconsider the adjustment or addition. If EMDR Platform decides to stick to the change or addition, you can cancel the Agreement in Writing with effect from the date on which the change takes effect. The foregoing does not apply to changes under the law and changes of minor importance.

Other provisions

  1. The Agreement is governed by Dutch law, unless mandatory consumer law prescribes otherwise.
  2. EMDR Platform is entitled to transfer its rights and obligations arising from the Agreement to a third party that takes over EMDR Platform or its business activities.
  3. You must inform EMDR Platform without delay in the event of a change in name, (postal) address, e-mail address and other information and data relevant to the execution of the Agreement.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact EMDR Platform via the contact form on www.emdr-platform.com.

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